Fast News India app is a free news app which brings to you the latest Hindi news, Malayalam news, live news, Live Tv & updates on Indian news, international news, local news and news from all states. It also makes available regional news, political news, crime news, election news and special coverage on election campaigns, election results and upcoming elections, national budget, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha sessions, opinion polls, politics of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan & Kerala and also sports news including cricket news.
Fast News India, your one stop for Uttar Pradesh News, Rajasthan News, & Kerala News,etc and it's local news.
Download the app to get video news, short stories of local breaking news in Hindi & Malayalam with speed, accuracy and quality. The app is live in districts of Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan & Kerala for local news and state news. Join the Fast News india now!
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