- All is free, weekly, daily, hourly update with real time.
- Weather forecast for global, for all country: United States (US), Canada, Brazil, United Kingdom (UK), Sweden, Denmark, Italy, Germany, France, Portugal, Spain, Mexico, Finland, Norway , Russia, India, Japan, Korea, China, Australia, Vietnam, ...
- Weather forecast for all city: Washington, New York, California, San Francisco, Texas, Georgia, Florida, Ottawa, Hawaii, Toronto, Dallas, Nashville, Kansas city, London, Rome, Madrid, Oslo, Paris, Nancy, Dijon, Brest, Marseille, Rennes, Reims, Chamonix, Lyon, Metz, Grenoble,Strasbourg, Berlin, Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh...
- Shows wind, humidity, high and low temperature and wind information for your current location
- Shows you the perceived temperature.
- Easily set up and swipe between different locations.
- Search and manage multiple locations.
- Detect location by GPS and network.
- View daily weather and hourly weather.
- Real time weather animations and backgrounds.
Download weather forecast for free and experience the high-quality weather forecast application across your Android devices.