The best way to personalize phones with
quality wallpapers
, all
adapted for mobile phones and or tablets
, all totally free with more than 13 categories among which we can find abstract, movies, series, anime, sports, technology, vehicles, videogames, minimalist, hot and many more!
Save the funds that you like in the favorites section and you will not have to look for them again !!
Wallpplus brings the best collection of wallpapers on the web, all the images and / or backgrounds are collected from search engines like google, bing, yahoo and social networks, we do not own any images, in some funds a small watermark can appear in the bottom part, we have decided not to eliminate it to give the credits to its creator.
- Fixed the inconvenience that did not allow loading the wallpapers.
- Small visual changes.
- Different design aspects that benefit devices with small screens in a better visual advantage were improved.
- General optimization.