As women, our vaginal health is an important part of our total well-being. And talking about vaginal health doesn’t have to be uncomfortable. In fact, we all experience vaginal health issues from time to time, and it’s completely normal.
You may be confused by the feminine hygiene products that claim to keep your vagina smelling like “springtime.” Caring for your vulva and vagina is actually very simple because you don’t need to buy fancy soaps or liquids. In fact, these products can be very irritating and can cause vaginitis.
Your vagina is kind of like The Incredible Hulk—not necessarily in the muscular and green kind of way (I hope?), but in a "you won't like her when she's angry" kind of way. Unfortunately, lots and lots of things can make her angry (she still doesn't know you refuse the lube, btw). The good thing is, it's not too hard to stay in her good graces. Here's how to keep her from hulking out.
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