Join scientist Professor Patricia Brennan on a virtual tour that takes in the mind-boggling reproductive tract of a female muscovy duck.
IMPORTANT NOTE: For full VR this app requires you to put your phone into Google Cardboard (or similar) headset.
I had desensitised myself to most conventional pornography, then i discovered Duck Genitalia Explorer VR. And now, my bedroom looks like a the inside of a snowglobe
2019-11-12 09:04
S. K. Oelker
Short and sweet and a fun tour of a really cool example of evolution and reproductive conflict in birds. VR is such a great way to learn about this!
2019-10-21 06:30
Michał Cenzartowicz
What a quacking experience.
2018-11-27 09:00
Andy Manning
Couldn't do without it in my life, really. Essential daily app