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Triglav Vreme

3.0.7 for Android
3.5 | 100,000+ Installs

Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d.

Description of Triglav Vreme

Browse and download apps to your android phone from the App Store. 30,000+ users downloaded Triglav Vreme latest version on 9Apps for free every week! By use it, you can upgrade your abilities smartly. This hot app was released on 2019-06-13. Here are some guides of this app:
Triglav Vreme je brezplačna mobilna aplikacija, ki nudi najbolj zanesljive vremenske podatke (vir: ARSO) o trenutnem vremenskem stanju in napoved za posamezen kraj ter za celotno Slovenijo. Poleg vremenske napovedi vas opozarja tudi na nevarne vremenske dogodke in vam obvestila, ki jih izdaja ARSO, ponudi preko potisnih sporočil. Na zemljevidu Slovenije lahko preverite RADARSKO sliko padavin, temperature, oblačnosti, hitrosti vetra in verjetnosti toče.
Ljubiteljem gora in smučanja zagotavlja pregled trenutnega vremenskega stanja in napoved za prihodnje dni. Če za smuko še niste povsem odločeni in ne zaupate vremenskim podatkom, si lahko v aplikaciji preverite dejansko stanje na smučišču kar preko 130-ih kamer v živo.
Za vse poplavno ogrožene kraje lahko od sedaj spremljate pretok in vodostaje izbranih voda ter ste ob povečanem pretoku in vodostaju tudi pravočasno obveščeni.
Nasvete ob neljubih vremenskih dogodkih in kako poskrbeti za zaščito, da se vam to ne bo zgodilo, pa si lahko preberete v posebnem delu aplikacije - svetovalnica Vse bo v redu.
Triglav Weather is a free mobile application that offers the most reliable weather data (source: ARSO) about the current weather condition and forecast for a specific place and for the whole of Slovenia. In addition to weather forecasts, it also warns you about dangerous weather events and offers you notifications issued by ARSO through push messages. On the map of Slovenia, you can check the RADAR picture of precipitation, temperature, cloudiness, wind speed and hail probability.
Mountain and ski lovers provide an overview of the current weather and forecast for the coming days. If you are not fully resolved for skiing and do not trust weather data, you can check the actual situation on the ski center with over 130 live cameras in the app.
From now on, you can monitor the flow and water levels of the selected waters for all flood risky areas, and in case of increased flow and water level, you are also informed in a timely manner.
Tips for bad weather events and how to take care that this will not happen to you can be found in a special part of the application - the counseling center will be all right.


What's New with Triglav Vreme 3.0.7

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  • Category:
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  • Requirements:
    Android 4.1 or later
  • Developer:
    Zavarovalnica Triglav, d.d.
  • ID:
  • Available on: