The main percussion instruments used in Indian classical music are the tabla and (the somewhat less common) pakhavaj. The tabla is a set of two drums of different sizes and timbers that are played simultaneously by tapping on them with the hands in various ways to produce different kinds of sounds. These sounds are then strung together in sequences to create different rhythm patterns to accompany musical performances.
In the hands of an expert tabla player, the tabla can make all kinds of fantastic sounds. They are called bol, and it is these bols that are combined in various ways to get many interesting rhythm patterns (taal). There are over a hundred different taals, but only a handful are used in serious classical music.
Our Taalchakra helps you to learn the taals properly and play them accordingly using a Tabla. It is entirely free off cost and completely offline capable. It presently contains the details of 56 most popular taal which are quite in use.
Taalchakra, as per the name consists of a very innovative and user friendly disc, which you can rotate and see the details of each and every details like
Chhanda, Theka, Bol, Taali, Khali and more!
In case you are interested in learning any kind of music or musical instruments, or interested to have a talk to the master of our academy, you can just tap in the center of the disc to call him right away!