Long description :
Write Songs Professionally while you write lyrics, adding free instrumental and share lyrics to the world.
→ Android Write Songs - pro Made Easy ←
Every musicians, music lovers or song writer who wants to write their songs organise them and add songs tools that are meant to be in a song, here is the app that can help you throughout your musical life.
Write Songs has the ability to store and share lyrics, a quick speech to text and a song Explorer all in one place. Write Songs keeps everything backed up and in sync on your SD card. Come experience the luxury of mobile songwriting today!
While you use this app you can arrange your songs in the appropriate genre or categories which are ought to be.
Write Songs Professionally has an exploration that makes you write your lyrics and share them publicly while you get likes and views from your friends or fellow musicians.
>>Here are the features
🎵 songwriters can easily organize lyrics.
🎵 Enhanced free beat and instrumental to make you sing with the passion.
🎵 Voice recording studio with a smooth In-app mp3 player, all at the touch of a button.
🎵 Edit lyrics and save as txt.
🎵 Express your songwriting with different genres.
🎵 Song stat tracker enabling the musician to keep a thorough history of time spent.
🎵 Preferences can be accessed at all times, keeping you closer to your lyrics and recordings.
🎵 Merriam-Webster word of the day to help build songwriting vocabulary.
Write Songs understands that a lyricist needs song structure. Write a complete song from start to finish. Intro, Verse, Chorus.
Great for all music genres and songwriters who love writing a catchy chorus.Country, Blues, Rock, Alternative Rock, R&B, Christian Rappers, Reggaeton, Gospel, Spoken Word, Pop and more. Write your first lyric or lyrics to a song today!
Check out the handy voice recorder. Import your lyrics or song, upload an instrumental.
To help you out with your lyrics or songs when you may have writer's block, try the random song ideas generator. Just press the button explore and Search over 300 songs ideas will flow through the page.
Upload your audio recordings to Google Drive . Google Drive which keeps your lyrics safe and secure.
Use our Facebook page to share your audio, song, lyric or chorus and network with other artists. Also use Sharing to whatsap and tweeter freely.
Songwriter hint: Press the options button to change the background color beautifully and increase the text size smoothly which makes you feel better and easier.
Added in-app purchases for faster access to premium features
Still some activities are still in beta mode
Smooth design for app overall