Do you believe? 20,000+ users downloaded Smart City Expo Curitiba 2020 latest version on 9Apps for free every week! It is a wonderful app that amazes every player. This hot app was released on 2020-03-08. It is one of the popular Android apps in 2015.
O Smart City Expo Curitiba acontecerá nos dias 26 e 27 de março de 2020 no Expo Barigui em Curitiba-PR. A terceira edição do maior evento de cidades inteligentes do Brasil espera receber mais de 10.000 pessoas e atuará como um grande hub de conexão e networking entre gestores das iniciativas públicas, diretores e executivos de organizações privadas, estudantes, investidores, empreendedores, pesquisadores, órgãos de fomento e sociedade civil no geral..
The Smart City Expo Curitiba will take place on March 26 and 27, 2020 at Expo Barigui in Curitiba-PR. The third edition of the largest event of smart cities in Brazil expects to receive more than 10,000 people and will act as a great hub of connection and networking among managers of public initiatives, directors and executives of private organizations, students, investors, entrepreneurs, researchers, media organizations promotion and civil society in general ..