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Siraj Daily

1.1 for Android
4.8 | 10,000+ Installs | Reviews

Siraj Daily Official

Description of Siraj Daily

We are very happy to release the Sirajlive Android App to Malayalees around the world. is the online face of Siraj Malayalam Daily, Which is largely circulated in Kerala and Abroad. It has now 5 Editions in Kerala (Kozhikode, Thiruvananthapuram, Kochi, Kannur and Malappuram) and three editions in gulf (Dubai, Oman & Qatar).Siraj Daily with its 3 and more decades precious experience now emerges with its android App.
Sirajlive is, live at all means. It's reach and access enlarging day by day. Now from 6 continents, 23 subcontinents, 179 countries, and 3956 cities, people satisfy their quest for news and views by visiting the live. and its app are a spectrum of Latest Malayalam news, Kerala news, national news, international news, religion, culture, art, literature, politics, technology, health, current affairs, foreign affairs, Sports, Travel, etc...
An easy Bookmark saving option is provided to the user to save favourite news items on the device. All news items, images and videos can be shared with your friends and family through email, social media or by any wireless connectivity option supported by your device.
In additions to this, we have provided option to submit your own newses to us. We will publish it after verification.
Siraj daily was established in 1984. The newspaper belongs to Thoufeeque Publications. The head office of the newspaper is at Calicut.


What's New with Siraj Daily 1.1

Minor bug fixes


  • Category:
    News & Magazines
  • Latest Version:
  • Updated:
  • File size:
  • Requirements:
    Android 0 or later
  • Developer:
    Siraj Daily Official
  • ID:
  • Available on:
  • avatar
    ما شاء الله,good newspaper app Please give update regularly to fix the bugs
    2020-03-21 05:55
  • avatar
    Good news app but not date perfomens bad prasentation
    2020-01-23 02:13
  • avatar
    i feel siraj lie is the best news app in Malayalam for me
    2019-07-23 09:16
  • avatar
    it's a great app for news
    2019-05-21 08:57
  • avatar
    sonetimes it crashes...cannot read ...need update...
    2019-03-28 02:32
  • avatar
    After recent Updation A black screen over the news is visible, can't read anything, fix it immediately
    2019-03-24 05:49