Searchy is what you need for successful dating in your city.
You can find interesting girls nearby very fast and reveal dating nearby from new side.
We use a unique algorithm that allows you to search for people according to specified criteria and to avoid duplication of results, we integrate closely with database in Vkontakte and provide absolutely unic experience in dating.
This means that you do not have to see the same results as in other similar applications during your search for another lovely soul.
You can specify different criteria to search people in your city nearby.
It is very fast and effective.
Nevertheless, we recommend using the application in cities where the number of users in Vkontakte social network is more than 5,000.
As a user, you will see a feed with search results and select the results to save and to exclude from the search.
On the main page you will have access to both lists.
You can review it and get what you did for the last week or month in this app.
It is very effective.
The most basic thing is to view user information and then go to social network Vkontakte to communicate with this person.
Start acquaintances is very simple!
The application has the ability to export and import results so that if the application is deleted, it is possible to restore existing search results.
In honor of Christmas and New Year, everything becomes absolutely free and without ads.