Available when you are and without the hassle of the waiting room or when you need instant medical advise. Connect in minutes with board-certified doctors online over text/voice/video from your smartphone or tablet in real time or you can also
make an appointment as your available time.
Faster and less expensive than a walk in clinic, you can chat with a doctor virtually 24/7, nights and weekends included. Just like an in-person visit, your doctor will take your history and symptoms, and may recommend treatment - including prescriptions.
Request a consult – Open the MyanCare App and request a consult or make an appointment, provide medical history and pay for the consult.
Talk to a doctor – Within minutes, a doctor reviews your medical history and contacts you via phone or video if you need medical advise instantly.
Pick up prescription – The doctor discusses the issue with you, answers questions and recommends next steps. If medically necessary, a prescription can be gaven and you can get medicine by showing this at your nearest shop.