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6.1.2 for Android
3.3 | 10,000,000+ Installs | Reviews


Description of MyTIM

L’app MyTIM ti permette di controllare da smartphone le tue linee mobili prepagate e le tue linee fisse.
È stata inserita la gestione delle linee fisse e la possibilità di chattare con il Servizio Clienti TIM direttamente in app.
Puoi accedere utilizzando l’account MyTIM con il tuo indirizzo email come username.
Se vuoi creare un account associandolo ad una linea fissa, lo puoi fare da App collegandoti in Wi-Fi alla rete FIBRA o ADSL della linea TIM che vuoi registrare.
Saremo lieti di ricevere i tuoi suggerimenti o eventuali segnalazioni tramite l’indirizzo email
Con questa versione della app MyTIM puoi:
• Registrare un account MyTIM per accedere da App o da Web
• Autenticarti utilizzando il Finger print.
• Gestire e memorizzare le modalità di pagamento preferite.
• Ricevere Assistenza da un operatore via chat o attraverso la Community WeTIM
Per le tue linee mobili:
• Visualizzare il credito residuo
• Avere informazioni sul tuo piano tariffario
• Verificare attraverso i contatori l'avanzamento delle tue offerte per controllare i Minuti, SMS e Giga disponibili
• Visualizzare e gestire i servizi attivi sulla tua linea
• Effettuare ricariche online con un click utilizzando carta di credito e PayPal oppure utilizzando una RicariCard e attivare il servizio di ricarica automatica.
• Visualizzare i movimenti del credito sulla linea.
Per le tue linee fisse:
• Consultare le offerte e i servizi attivi sulla linea
• Consultare le fatture dell’ultimo anno
• Visualizzare la fattura in formato pdf ed effettuarne il download
• Pagare la fattura con carta di credito o PayPal
L’app MyTIM continuerà ad essere arricchita di sempre maggiori funzionalità.
Già dalle prossime versioni potrai sperimentare tecnologie nuove.
The MyTIM app allows you to control your prepaid mobile lines and fixed lines from your smartphone.
Fixed line management has been included and the possibility of chatting with TIM Customer Service directly in the app.
You can log in using your MyTIM account with your email address as username.
If you want to create an account by associating it with a landline, you can do it from the App by connecting to Wi-Fi to the FIBER or ADSL network of the TIM line you want to register.
We will be happy to receive your suggestions or recommendations via the email address
With this version of the MyTIM app you can:
• Register a MyTIM account to access from the App or from the Web
• Authenticate yourself using the Finger print.
• Manage and memorize the preferred payment methods.
• Receive Assistance from an operator via chat or through the WeTIM Community
For your mobile lines:
• View the remaining credit
• Have information on your tariff plan
• Check through the meters the progress of your offers to check the available Minutes, SMS and Giga
• View and manage active services on your line
• Make top-ups online with a click using a credit card and PayPal or using a RicariCard and activate the automatic top-up service.
• View credit movements on the line.
For your landlines:
• Consult the offers and services active on the line
• Consult the invoices of the last year
• View the invoice in pdf format and download it
• Pay the bill by credit card or PayPal
The MyTIM app will continue to be enriched with more and more features.
From the next versions you will be able to experiment with new technologies.

What's New with MyTIM 6.1.2

Bug fix


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    Android 6.0 or later
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  • avatar
    2022-08-24 11:33
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    2022-08-15 04:56
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    2022-08-09 07:06
  • avatar
    I can't pay my bill with credit card or with my IBAN
    2022-08-09 05:20
  • avatar
    works fine for me, but only with the very Tim connection in Italy. Doesn't work in roaming or a German landline at all. But that's where I want to control my Italian router, see use etc. Since back in Germany, the app is useless Now fixed
    2022-08-09 03:40
  • avatar
    Very basic... don't understand why I need a VPN to make it work outside Italy. Hey Tim, it is a big world out there!
    2022-08-01 03:09