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1.0.14 for Android
3.0 | 5,000+ Installs

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Description of MyDream

I wants to share an app for all of you. 20,000+ users downloaded MyDream latest version on 9Apps for free every week! You get various free apps from the store. This hot app was released on 2020-04-30. To know more information, read the paragraph below.
MyDream's drømmerejser forener teknikker fra det evidensbaserede angstbehandlingsprogram Cool Kids med historiefortælling og beroligende musik.
Med MyDream ved hånden har barnet altid en tryg hjælper, som både giver en mental pause fra en hektisk verden fyldt med informationer men også udvikler redskaber til bedre at kunne håndtere og rumme angstfølelser.
Med MyDream er barnet selv hovedpersonen, når det med en lille bjørneunge som tryg rejsekammerat guides rundt i naturen, hvor der er frihed til at udforske følelser og kropslige fornemmelser.
MyDream inviterer barnet til at bruge sin fantasi og skaber plads til at visualisere, sanse og beskrive helt almindelige indtryk som frygt, kærlighed og spænding.
Denne app vil hjælpe børn med:
- at udvikle kognitive strategier og metoder igennem drømmerejser.
- at lære at mærke hvordan følelser påvirker kroppen og kan reguleres.
- at arbejde med sammenhæng mellem tanker, følelser og krop.
- at øve åndedræts- og afslapningsøvelser.
- at udvikle barnets teknikker til at rumme, acceptere og udfordre følelsen af angst i barnets eget tempo.
- at opdage forskellen mellem katastrofetanker og realistiske tanker, og hvordan man kan mestre og overvinde bekymring.
Folkene bag:
Søren Benedikt Pedersen er autoriseret psykolog og har specialiseret sig i behandling af angstlidelser hos børn og unge baseret på Cool Kids Program. Programmet bruges i dag i mange lande, det er udviklet i Australien og oversat til dansk på Århus Universitet, som forsker i angstlidelser hos børn og unge og har dokumenteret, at Cool Kids Program er et effektivt og virksomt angstbehandlingsprogram.
Farnoush Bassri er født i Teheran og oplevede under krigen mellem Iran og Irak og i den efterfølgende flugt til Danmark, hvordan hendes fantasi hjalp hende med at bearbejde sine angstfølelser. Den dyrekøbte erfaring bruger hun i sit projekt Drømmekvarteret, hvor hun skaber afslappende fortællinger, som altid tager udgangspunkt i barnets oplevelse og fantasi.
Musikken i MyDream er skabt af den prisvindende musiker Mikkel Nordsø.
MyDream's dream travels combine techniques from the evidence-based anxiety treatment program Cool Kids with storytelling and soothing music.
With MyDream at hand, the child always has a safe helper who not only provides a mental break from a hectic world full of information but also develops tools to better deal with and contain feelings of anxiety.
With MyDream, the child is the protagonist himself, when with a small bear kid as a safe travel companion is guided around the nature, where there is freedom to explore emotions and bodily sensations.
MyDream invites the child to use their imagination and creates space to visualize, sense and describe common impressions such as fear, love and excitement.
This app will help children with:
- developing cognitive strategies and methods through dream journeys.
- to learn how to feel how emotions affect the body and can be regulated.
- to work with the connection between thoughts, emotions and body.
- to practice breathing and relaxation exercises.
- developing the child's techniques to accommodate, accept and challenge the feeling of anxiety at the child's own pace.
- discovering the difference between disaster thoughts and realistic thoughts, and how to master and overcome worry.
The people behind:
Søren Benedikt Pedersen is a licensed psychologist and specializes in the treatment of anxiety disorders in children and adolescents based on the Cool Kids Program. The program is used today in many countries, it was developed in Australia and translated into Danish at Aarhus University, which researches anxiety disorders in children and adolescents and has documented that the Cool Kids Program is an effective and effective anxiety treatment program.
Born in Tehran, Farnoush Bassri experienced during her war between Iran and Iraq and in the ensuing flight to Denmark how her imagination helped her process her feelings of anxiety. She uses the expensive experience in her Dream Quarter project, where she creates relaxing stories that are always based on the child's experience and imagination.
The music in MyDream was created by award-winning musician Mikkel Nordsø.


What's New with MyDream 1.0.14

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    Health & Fitness
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    Android 4.1 or later
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