Movie Browser is an Android application that helps you decide what movie and/or tv show to watch. The application itself is packed with features, with some listed below
- Top lists created by TMDB users
- Browse movies by Genres, Now Playing or Upcoming
- Save movies to two local lists "Watched" and "To watch"
- Export your local lists to a CSV file from the settings page
- Search your local lists
- Swipe each movie in list to reveal options for deleting and moving the swiped movie to the other list
- Search functionality that presents you up to 20 items for Movies/TV Shows and People (each)
- News are fetched from the NewsAPI and contain the hottest news about movies and actors in the industry
- Settings, alongside exporting to CSV file, contain importing from the created CSV file
- Low on bandwidth? Disable all images in the settings page
- Clean application cache within the application itself, on the settings page
Notification fix.