MoneyTime lets you calculate your hourly wage and working hours.
This is a calculator with no ads to do operations on numbers, hours and salaries.
The application is as easy to use as a basic calculator while you can compute times, wage and any custom units that depend on time like miles/h, etc.
Usage examples:
1) Compute how much time you worked today. Substract the finish and start times:
6.30pm - 2pm = 4h30
2) Compute how much you should be paid. Multiply the working time by your salary:
4h30 x 10$/h = 45$
3) Compute your average speed. Divide the distance by the duration
200miles / 4h30 = 44,44miles/h
The calculator works as a regular calculator that supports parentheses and the operator priority:
2.5 3 * 5 = 17.5
(5 2) x 10 = 70
It also works on times:
2h 20m 3s - 1h 20m = 1h 00m 03s
30min / 10min = 3
1hr / 2 = 30min
You can use custom units to do your time operations:
15$ / 3 = 5$
100$ / 5h = 20$/h
3h x 5miles/h = 15miles
20L / 4h = 5L/h
The user units can be customized in the settings.
You can convert times to another unit.
2 hr 10 min 3 sec = 2.168 hr = 130.05 min = 7803 sec
You can enter times as integers with the format xx Hr xx Min xx Sec, or as floating numbers.
8h 25m 13s
3.5 hr
The calculator supports 12h (AM/PM) and 24h time format.
8:00:00 PM
You can copy/paste results from the calculator to other android applications.
You can see the history of all operations done with the calculator during the current session.
Support more operations like for example: '15 $' divided by '5 $/h', returning ' 3 h'