Main features:
- predict possible weather conditions such as upcoming rain, storm or... fair weather from a picture of a cloud on the sky!
- predict a chance of rain, fog or snow with current temperature, humidity and air pressure
- retrieve current temperature, humidity or air pressure at your actual location from your device sensors (if available) or internet service.
“Baba” – hag, gammer or simple a… woman. Popular in 80’s and 90’s cuckoo clock-style home meteo was surprisingly trustful way to say what’s the weather going to be like. Whenever “baba” was showing up, umbrella was a must-have accessory. When hidden though, you should expect a decent weather. Less about the science behind, probably close to “weather rock”, this old style meteo had an undeniable advantage of showing localised, almost personal, weather forecast.
Inspired by the idea of local weather forecast “Meteo Baba” gives you an opportunity to run weather forecasting model powered by modern AI technology, with retro flavour, directly on your phone!
Internet connection is not required to run the model however, if you are not sure about current weather conditions such as temperature, humidity or air pressure you have a possibility to retrieve them, inside the app, from internet or read your device’s sensors. Afterwards, you will be still able to manually modify the readings to reflect your location reality. Enjoy the app!
App available in following languages:
- Improved Clouds Recognition model's accuracy.
- Improved app layout.
- Bug fixes and small improvements.