※ Kids can read and hear mammy and daddy's Bible story.
☞ You can "Play" after "Record".
After "Delete" the recorded file, you can "Record" again.
☞ You can created your own story text.
Try [Below] format file in the "Audio4Bible" folder.
(Save the file by "UTF-8" encoding.)
[Number] is from 0 to 8.
eg. KBS-Jonah-2.txt (The content of this file will show with the picture.)
※ I hope this can help to the faith of our kids.
Currently, Kid's Bible Story series are developing.
You can find by searching with the keyword "KBS - Kids Bible Story".
https://play.google.com/store/search?q=KBS - Kids Bible Story&c=apps
※ Thanks to:
☞ Pictures by Grimumul (http://umul.cnote.kr)
☞ Stories by the Holy Bible
☆ Facebook
☞ http://www.facebook.com/Biblesmith.Project
※ Finally, "KBS - 18 Story (Whole Bible)" has published.
☞ We are proud to publish this total collection of Kid's Bible Story series. KBS18 includes from the creation of the universe to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
☞ The Stories About: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Daniel, Samson, David, Solomon, Jonah, Paul, Zacchaeus, Jesus
☞ You can click this link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cc.mannam.bible.kids.english.kbs18
Or Search with the keyword "KBS18"