Hijab Syari Photo Montage is a photo editor application for wearing a headscarf. With this application, you can try out various models hijab syar'i bergo very good for a Muslim woman. You just put your face into the costume you want. Shar'i hijab hijab is great because the model is very large, so it covers part that must be covered. Many of the benefits that you can get when using this application, including:
- You can select an image from the camera or gallery.
- Choice of costume frame hijab that much.
- Easy to put a face.
- Photos that have been edited can be stored in the gallery.
- Can be directly set the wallpaper.
- Can social networking arbitrarily distributed to you.
- Easy to use.
Tips: Use the form that matches the models face veils would you choose in order to better appearance and looks like real.
Design changes have become easier to use
Add the hijab model
Add sticker