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Jobs in Iraq

1.0.4 for Android
4.8 | 100,000+ Installs | Reviews

Hayder Salman AlRubaye

Description of Jobs in Iraq

Application of the functions of Iraq
The implementation of the functions of Iraq is the first and oldest Iraqi application in the field of vacancies
The application provides thousands of jobs daily in the public sector and private sector in private companies
The application also displays the results of the appointments from their official sources
The application displays the official holidays for all governorates as well as the weather news, also the news of loans, advances and salaries, will definitely get your satisfaction ...
We designed the application so that it comes to you with a voice message with rocking Facebook and others
When we publish any new job, new appointment or any other urgent news
The application includes the following sections: public sector news, private sector news, appointments results, student news, loans, advances, salaries and public news.

What's New with Jobs in Iraq 1.0.4

* اضافة اشعارات للاخبار المهمة جدا
* ازالة الاعلانات المزعجة
* اضافة اقسام جديدة ( اخبار العقود والاجور , الرواتب , القروض , السلف , المنح مالية , قطع اراضي , اخبار المدراس والجامعات , اخبار العراق السياسية والاقتصادية والامنية والرياضية , الطقس , العطل الرسمية , علوم وتكنلوجيا , صحة وطب , فن ومشاهير واخبار عامة ).
* ايقونة للاتصال المباشر بالدعم .


  • Category:
    News & Magazines
  • Latest Version:
  • Updated:
  • File size:
  • Requirements:
    Android 4.3 or later
  • Developer:
    Hayder Salman AlRubaye
  • ID:
  • Available on:
  • avatar
    Very good
    2020-10-09 02:27
  • avatar
    التطبيق لا توجد فيه خاصيه مسح الاخبار 'ولا توجد فيه اشعارات
    2020-05-28 05:50
  • avatar
    زياد عبد الرزاق كاظم
    2019-11-18 09:44
  • avatar
    Very good app
    2019-09-02 01:18
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    حسين عبد الرحمن ٠٧٧١٦٤٠٩٧٥٠
    2019-07-31 08:06
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    محمد صباح ٠٧٧٠٢٣٨٣٤٠٧
    2019-07-22 11:20