Who we are
HRSJM is a Democratic regional network with a large membership base of people committed to addressing Human Rights Issues at both National and Regional levels. HRSJM Aims at fostering the concept of multiple states identities by enabling people to realize their ideals and aspirations for Peace, Democracy, Secularism AND Human Security. While promoting pluralism in approaches towards Social, Political, Economic and Cultural development of different communities, Ethnic, Linguistic, Religious and other groups.
What we do
HRSJM seeks to contribute to the realization of Indian peoples' Right to participatory Democracy, Good governance and Justice by strengthening regional response, including regional instruments, Monitoring Human Rights Violations, Reviewing Laws, Policies and Practices that have an adverse impact on Human Rights and conducting Campaigns and Programs on issues of major concern in the region.
HRSJM's basic policy is to identify the gaps in regional initiatives and to undertake activities which do not duplicate the work carried out by other regional or national NG0s. Its strength and legitimacy comes from its democratic structure and broad-based membership of recognized Human Rights defenders in the region.
We balance the day-to-day needs of our society with long term strategy and vision. Our programs are guided by society needs and demands. We respond to those needs through direct service-hands on Trainings and Conferences, Society Organizing and Base Building, Advocacy and Leadership development. In all of our work, we embrace a Social Justice Vision Bound in Dignity and Equity for All, with the active participation of our Units, Members & Activists. We actively prioritize leadership of Marginalized Groups, including Women and Youths, within the Indian.
Human Rights and Social Justice Mission
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