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With the launch of this app we make sure you for solving Pathology problem easily and understandable concepts and fall in love with the subject.
App includes video lectures, Notes, Chapters, Mnemonics, Question Bank And Quiz which covering the entire Pathology, Tests with Video Discussion, Question Bank, Free daily updates and much more. This app in English and very simple language. Very Easy to use and easy to understand. This app is very useful for medical student and Doctors.
1- This mnemonic is well DESIGNED WITH COLORED AND ADDITIONAL IMAGES of related topics to help you not only memorize but also understand what you read.
2-The contents are also arranged in order to easily searching of required contents. We also made it easier for the user to see the content more clear and bigger by making it easy to be zoomed.
3- Most Of the IMAGES ARE ONLINE, SO THE USER NEEDS NETWORK CONNECTIONS to visualize these images and this will help us updating the app with latest and most important images of the related topic within short period. However, THE WHOLE TEXT & SOME IMAGES ARE OFFLINE.
We want to make easy pathology for medical students. We want to help producing young good practitioners with best qualification From clinically and academically. We will provide explanations of what the user is studying and that's our main target (STUDYING WITH Entertainment).
We would be grateful if you can forward your advices, suggestions and requests For us to correct our mistakes and improve this app.
Some times as a student or a medical practitioner, you find it difficult to take a whole textbook and read, maybe because you are very busy about something else or you are far away from the book that is why I took my time to summarize some basic topics in general pathology for easy access.
Lastly, Please Kindly rate Our app. to encourage us to do more apps and upgrade the already present ones.
Please Give Your Feedback.
Minor bugs fixed...