Fake Call & Fake Sms is a prank call application to have fun with friends. If you want to play jokes with friends like getting calls from, celebrities, government, girlfriends etc, this app can generate a fake call for you.
You can send fake sms/ text messages to yourself, or can make a fake sms/ text messages from other person.The most professional and beautiful fake caller id and SMS/text application for Android!
Get out the trouble, give yourself a fake-call id or sms (text messages) !
Simulate a fake caller id to rescue yourself from an awkward situation, like boring meeting, annoying conversation, meaningless interview.
Just download Fake Call, you can edit fake call or message with whatever numbers and contacts as you wish. The Fake call won't charge you any fee, it is totally FREE.magine that: you are in a tedious meeting and totally get bored, wanna get some fresh air so bad, luckily your phone rings just in time, what a relief!
That is what the fake call app do. Simulate a fake caller ID to get you away from some unpleasant situation.
The best tool to show fake incoming phone calls from user defined callers. You can browse from built-in photos of ackward looking people,girlfriends,boyfriends and well known politicians. Record your voice feature allows you to record a Caller voice. This recorded voice can be played automatically when you will get a call.
Fake Call & Fake Sms get a imcoming call after a set delay time.
* You can select Fake call theme suitable for your phone.
* Customize fake caller id, picture, number, in-call voice and ringtone for a new fake call.
* Fake call/sms (text messages) logs
* Fake now, past, even in the future;
* Select fake caller id from your contacts.
* Simulate Fake calling screen as real as your different phone: Samsung UI, Sony Erisson, HTC Sense,ICS, etc
* Customize fake caller id, picture, number, in-call voice and ringtone for a new fake call ;
* Schedule multi fake calls ;
* Customize and manage the different in-call voice and ringtones for each fake call ;
Fake Caller Prank helps you to select a caller from your contact list or enter new contact.
* One can also select time for calling and set up multiple fake calls for different timings.
* Get Incoming call with photo and customizable pre-recorded voice.
* Compatible This application is compatible with phones and tablets.
* Private mode to get fake calls from unknowns;
* Share Fake caller id with your friends from Gmail, Messaging and Twitter;
* The app name changed to "Call Assistant" when you installed fake call in you phone.
Description of permissions for Fake Call:
1. Your personal information
This permission can make a fake call from your contacts, and also insert to real call log;
2. Network communication
This permission is for Bluetooth earphone and networks;
3. Storage
This permission can record and edit fake calling voices, which are stored in the SD card;
4. Hardware controls
This permission is to set a fake call vibration;
5. Phone calls
This permission is for you can receive the real call during the fake calling;
6. System tools
This permission is to fulfill the fake call even after reboot the phone.