Our Main Features:
* Fully Automatic day selection, you don’t have to select the day. You just start the App and Dua E Joshan for the day will start Automatically.
* Simple User Interface.
* Easy to use.
* After Dua E Joshan, Dua E Kamil starts.
* Can Read as well as listen.
* Portrait and landscape support for the ease of reading.
* App will terminate automatically after everything finishes.
Videos By: Dawoodi Bohra Madeh Marsiya and Huzaifa Bhai Bharmal.
Dua ni Iltemaz!
This is an App specially developed for the ease of the Mumineen. So they can start their day with Dua E Joshan followed by Dua E Kamil
- Screen will not sleep until the App is running.
Thank you for using our APP.