Chispa - Dating for Latinos icon

Chispa - Dating for Latinos

2.21.0 for Android
4.3 | 1,000,000+ Installs | Reviews

Chispa Dating

Description of Chispa - Dating for Latinos

CHISPA is the new app for Latino single men and Latina single women with a simple mission: To create an exclusive community where Latino men and Latina women can find meaningful connections with people who share similar likes and interests.
CHISPA is easy and fun to use:
• Simply scroll through a personalized list of profiles.
• If you're interested, slide the profile to right to give the person a ‘Like’, or click the 'Heart' icon.
• If the feeling's mutual, then you're a match and can start chatting in our app right away.
• Not interested? Slide the profile to the left to see the next person, or click the ‘X’ icon.
Right when you join, all members can:
• Become part of an exclusive community for single Latino men and Latina women
• Like other members near you
• Customize who and what they’re looking for
• Receive a personalized group of profiles to look through every day
• Chat with other members if they’ve liked you back
Go Premium and you can also:
• Rewind on people to give them a second chance
• Send over 100 Super Chsipas per month to stand out from the crowd and let people know that you're really interested
• Boost your profile each month to be one of the top profiles in your area for 30 minutes
• Have an uninterrupted experience with no ads!
Playing Tragos on Chispa
• Spice up your profile using Latino themes, truths and fun cultural anecdotes
• Connect and chat with your potential matches based on their answers and love for their culture
• New questions every week to help you break the ice!



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  • Requirements:
    Android 6.0 or later
  • Developer:
    Chispa Dating
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  • avatar
    Terrible scam app. They lure you into buying only to have any "matches" disappear .
    2020-10-19 09:45
  • avatar
    Had the nerve to charge me again for a suscription after suspending my account and havent even told me why they suspended in the first place the only response they had for me was that there experiencing a high amount of emails they will respond as soon as posibble and is been over a week now and nothing now im mad because this is so unprofessional i demand a refund
    2020-10-17 18:55
  • avatar
    I have had this app for almost three months and I'm sure I have liked hundreds of profiles and not a single match??? This seems a bit too much. It shouldn't matter if you have a premium membership or not. There has to be at least a few matches for having the app this long. Other apps do a better job at matching even with girls I'm not interested in.
    2020-10-13 04:47
  • avatar
    App needs a better way communicate or atleast take off people who are inactive . People on the App don't even talk or send Hi They take months to respond ... Not a Good App to meet people
    2020-10-12 19:47
  • avatar
    Waste of time and money. You cannot send any messages only likes. If they like you back then you can exchange messages but till then your just looking at same profiles or altered profiles. Don't bother with it and save your money.
    2020-10-08 22:08
  • avatar
    The app has many bugs it wont let me set an exact number for the age Also i would like to see if there could more filters User input zip code and radious distance Or set any location to browse other countries It has potential to be better One last thing you shoulf offer one free boost as well as the super chispa for daily usage Or some kind of perk for being a long time user I would just like too see more options This will make not just me but other users happy
    2020-10-02 16:53