Beberapa Aplikasi India sudah update. 20,000+ Pengguna mendownload BONAFIT PAYMENT versi terbaru di 9Apps secara gratis! Banyak juga aplikasi-apikasi terbaru yang tersedia di 9Apps. Aplikasi HOT ini di rilis tanggal 2019-12-06. Anda dapat melihat aplikasi terkini di 9Apps.
Bonafit Payment adalah solusi bagi anda yang ingin berbisnis Pulsa,Paket Data, Token PLN, Voucher Data, Voucher Game, dan PPOB dengan Harga bersaing, bisa untuk dijual lagi atau pakai sendiri.
Channel Telegram:
Helpdesk Telegram: 08971422777
Helpdesk Whatsapp: 085342899994
(Hati-hati terhadap penipuan yang mengatas namakan Bonafit Payment, untuk pelayanan harap hubungi kontak kami di atas, selain nomer di atas bukan tanggung jawab kami)
Untuk Pendaftaran silahkan hubungi Helpdesk kami di atas
Fitur-fitur yang tersedia di dalam aplikasi:
- Pengisian pulsa/pembelian token listrik
- Pembayaran tagihan pasca bayar (Listrik, PDAM, TELKOM, dll)
- Pembelian voucher internet
- Pembelian voucher game
- Fitur chat messenger yang terhubung langsung dengan engine server pulsa kami
- Fitur chat dengan customer service
- Cek saldo & informasi akun
- Cek harga realtime
- Penambahan saldo dengan sistem tiket
- Cek rekap history transaksi
- Cek rekap history perubahan saldo (transfer saldo, tambah saldo, transaksi, dll)
- Lihat agen downline beserta aktivitas transaksi agen downline
- Fitur mendaftarkan agen downline
- Transfer saldo ke agen downline
- Fitur App Lock untuk mengamankan aplikasi dari tangan orang lain
- dll
Fitur akan terus kami kembangkan agar dapat selalu dapat memberikan yang terbaik.
Payment bona fide is the solution for those of you who want to do business Pulses, Packet Data, Token PLN, Data Vouchers, Vouchers Game, and PPOB with competitive price, able to be sold or made themselves.
Channel Telegram:
Helpdesk Telegram: 08971422777
Helpdesk Whatsapp: 085342899994
(Beware of scams in the name of a bona fide Payment, for the service please contact us at the above contacts, in addition to the above number is not our responsibility)
For registration please contact our Helpdesk on top
These features are available in the app:
- Completion of pulses / purchase electricity tokens
- Payment of postpaid bills (electricity, PDAM, Telkom, etc.)
- Purchase internet voucher
- Purchase vouchers game
- Features chat messenger that connects directly to the engine of our toll server
- Features chat with customer service
- Check balances and account information
- Check the price of realtime
- Addition of balance with the ticketing system
- Check transaction history recap
- Check recap the history of changes in the balance (balance transfers, plus balances, transactions, etc.)
- View agent and their downline referrals an agent transaction activity
- Feature enrolled downline agent
- Balance transfers to agents downline
- Feature App Lock for securing the application of the hands of others
- etc
Features will continue to develop in order to always provide the best.