Belly Fat Exercise & Diet (Videos)
Install this App and Get the Best Tips On Flat belly, Exercise, Diet,& Drinks.
You get to watch Videos as well as Images of Exercises and diet preparations
It helps to treat you what are all step you have to follow while reducing your Belly fat...
It treats you to what foods needs to be taken.
This app provide Belly Fat loss exercises and diet
You get to watch Videos as well as Images of Exercises and diet preparations
This app contains so many Simple Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat.
Why Do You Get Belly Fat?
a. Genetics:
b. Weak metabolism:
c. Hormonal Changes:
d. Stress and hypertension:
e. Diseases:
f. Sagging muscles:
g. Poor posture:
h. Sedentary lifestyle:
i. Overeating:
Measuring Belly Fat:
a. Body Mass Index:
b. Waist to Hip Ratio:
c. Waist Circumference:
Food To Reduce Belly Fat:
a. Almonds:
b. Apples:
c. Avocado:
d. Cucumber:
e. Green leafy vegetables:
f. Beans:
g. Watermelon:
How to Reduce Your Tummy?
Best Stomach Weight Loss Exercises:
1. Crunches:
2. Twist Crunches:
3. Side Crunch:
4. Reverse Crunches:
5. Vertical Leg Crunch:
6. Bicycle Exercise:
7. Lunge Twist:
8. Rolling Plank Exercise:
10. The Stomach Vacuum:
11. Captain’s Chair:
12. Bending Side to Side:
Cardio Exercises:
13. Walking:
14. Running:
15. Jogging:
16. Cycling:
17. Swimming:
Other Ways to Reduce Belly / Abdominal Fat:
1. Eat Right:
2. Drink Water:
3. Short Bursts:
4. Say No to Sugar:
5. Reduce Sodium intake:
6. Vitamin C:
7. Fat burning foods:
8. Include healthy Fats:
9. Do not skip breakfast:
10. Sleep:
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Diet Drink to lose Belly Fat
Get a flat belly without exercise. Lose weight and detoxify your body with this natural diet drink.
This easy recipe will not only help you get a flat belly and get hydrated, it will also help you flush out toxins, burn fat and lose weight fast.
Please make sure you use filtered water to get the full benefits.
Let’s look at the ingredients in this flat belly recipe:
1. Two to Three Garlic Cloves.
2. Luke warm water.
3. Honey.
4. Freshly sliced Lemon.
Method of Preparation:--
1. Squeeze freshly cut lemon into like warm water after taking seeds and mix Honey to it.
2. Chew Garlic Cloves first and then take this Mixture.
3. Or Blend the garlic cloves with this mixture and Drink daily on Empty stomach.
Tip to lose fat Fast: - Drink at least two to three liters of water to loose unwanted fat.