Krzyżówki po polsku
Word | 589.4KB
Fantastic crosswords!
- Polish language version.
- An infinite number of combinations.
- A huge list of passwords.
- Ability to adjust the size of the board from 3x3 to 25x25.
- Three levels of difficulty.
- The panel will fill your password to guess.
- Panel size adapted to the device.
- Optimal operation for tablets.
Science and fun in one
Crossword puzzle - a puzzle involving the literal word-guessing or matching passwords and entering them in the intersecting box. Mallard differ in the degree of difficulty, size. They can be constructed only in those languages where a single letter of the alphabet represents the individual phone, because it is impossible to laying crosses in eg Chinese. On the concept is also based crossword game Scrabble.
History crosswords
The originator of the crossword is an American Arthur Wynne, an employee "of tricks and jokes department" newspaper New York World. The first crossword puzzle posted in the Sunday supplement "Fun" ("Party") to the "New York World" of 21 December 1913, which was based on a social game in which he played his grandfather - "magic square or double acrostic." "Original crossword puzzles" contained 32 passwords. Rubric were separated by black spaces. The idea met with so much enthusiasm from readers that in 1924 published a book "Crossworld puzzle." It contained a selection of 50 crosswords published so far in the "Fun". Became a best seller. Within a month, spread with a circulation of over half a million copies. The invention has been patented. A few months later novelty went to the British, who spread it to other European countries. There are also magazines devoted exclusively to this type of mental distractions, over which the racking their brains by millions of people around the world.
Mallard in Poland
In the "Kurier Warszawski" January 31, 1925, in the Department of tasks edited by the author of numerous charades, Charles Hoffman, was published anonymously "cross puzzle". Editors funded 5 awards to people who have sent their correct solution. A week after the crossword puzzle by Kazimierz Makarczyk attached to the Warsaw weekly "Illustration". It's that chess was first named the "crossword" which is a translation of the English term "cross word puzzle." Soon crossword began to publish another Polish newspaper. Wikipedia
learn English, Polish game, words, Polish
Wykreslanka, Brain & Puzzle