Olim Bola 4
Educational | 62.3MB
«Olim bola» – bolajonlar uchun qiziqarli bilimlar olami
Bolajonlar uchun bilimlar olamiga qiziqarli sayohat!
14 ta interaktiv ovozli bo'limlar:
Alifbo va tajvid
Namoz muallimi
Suralar va duolar
Robbimni yaxsi ko‘raman
Suyukli payg‘ambarimiz
Payg‘ambar va bolalar
Payg‘ambarimizning as’hoblari
Payg‘ambarlar tarixi
Duo qilishni yaxshi ko‘raman
Ramazon keldi, ro‘za keldi
Hajga ketyapman
Bolalar uchun aqlni charxlaydigan 15 xil o‘yin
Bu dasturning ilk nashri bo'lib, hozir ba'zi qismlar to'liq ishlamayotgan bo'lishi mumkin. Lekin, tez kunlarda barcha bo'limlar ishga tushiriladi.
"Olim bola" is a world of interesting knowledge for children in Uzbek language
An exciting journey into the world of knowledge for kids!
14 interactive audio books
Alphabet and Tajweed
Prayer teacher
Surahs and prayers
I love my Lord
Our beloved Prophet
The Prophet and the Children
Companions of the Prophet
History of the Prophets
I like praying and reading Quran
Ramadan has come, fasting has come
I am going to Hajj
Fairy tales
15 different learning games for kids
* The program is now new developed and some parts may not work completely. But soon they will be fixed.
«Olim bola» - это мир интересных знаний для детей (на узбекском языке)
Увлекательное путешествие в мир знаний для детей!
14 интерактивных голосовых секций:
Алифба и Таджвид
Намаз муаллими (как читать намаз)
Суры и молитвы
Я люблю своего Господа
Наш любимый пророк
Пророк и дети
Сподвижники пророка
История Пророков
Я люблю молиться
Рамадан пришел, пост пришел
Я иду на хадж
Истории пророков
15 различных игр для детей
Это первое издание программы, некоторые части могут работать не полностью. Но эти части будут исправлены в ближайшее время.
“Olim bola” - bolajonlar uchun qiziqarli bilimlar olami
Bolajonlar uchun bilimlar olamiga qiziqarli sayohat!
14 ta interaktiv ovozli bo'limlar:
Alifbo va tajvid
Namoz muallimi
Suralar va duolar
Robbimni yaxsi ko‘raman
Suyukli payg‘ambarimiz
Payg‘ambar va bolalar
Payg‘ambarimizning as’hoblari
Payg‘ambarlar tarixi
Duo qilishni yaxshi ko‘raman
Ramazon keldi, ro‘za keldi
Hajga ketyapman
Bolalar uchun aqlni charxlaydigan 15 xil o‘yin
Bu dasturning ilk nashri bo'lib, hozir ba'zi qismlar to'liq ishlamayotgan bo'lishi mumkin. Lekin, tez kunlarda barcha bo'limlar ishga tushiriladi.
"Olim bola" is a world of interesting knowledge for children in Uzbek language
An exciting journey into the world of knowledge for kids!
14 interactive audio books
Alphabet and Tajweed
Prayer teacher
Surahs and prayers
I love my lord
Our beloved Prophet
The prophet and the children
Companions of the prophet
History of the prophets
I like praying and reading Quran
Ramadan has come, fasting has come
I am going to Hajj
Fairy tales
15 different learning games for kids
* The program is now new developed and some parts may not work completely. But soon they will be fixed.
“Olim bola” is a world of interesting knowledge for children (in Uzbek)
A fascinating journey into the world of knowledge for children!
14 interactive voice sections:
Alifba and Tajvid
Muallimi namaz (how to read namaz)
Surahs and Prayers
I love my Lord
Our beloved prophet
The prophet and the children
Companions of the Prophet
History of the Prophets
I love to pray
Ramadan has come, fasting has come
I'm going to hajj
Stories of the prophets
Fairy tales
15 different games for children
This is the first edition of the program, some parts may not work fully. But these parts will be fixed soon.
1.0.2 - Foydalanvchilar to'plagan ballari ko'rsatishdagi xatolik tuzatildi
1.0.0 - Barcha bo`limlarga viktorina savollar qo`shildi
- Alifbo va tajvid bo'limi to`liq joylandi
0.3 - O'zbek tili chiqmay qolishi tuzatildi
- Suralar va duolar bo'limi to'ldirildi
0.2 - Olim Bola beta nashri