NBA Stats Quiz
Sports | 11.3MB
In NBA Stats Quiz you will prove your NBA stats knowledge, where you can choose among any statistical category within every NBA History Season. There is no other game which provides you of an statistical volume like NBA Stats Quiz does. Moreover our stats are real-time updated!
Once the game is started, you have to click on the player who had a better stat in the selected season. The stat and season are indicated on the top of the screen.
You have three lives, if you click on the wrong player, you\'ll lose a live. If you make ten hits in a row, you will get a new live up to three.
NBA Stats Quiz allows you to play two diferent modes, Stats and Draft:
You can choose among NBA, WNBA and G-LEAGUE.
-Draft Mode:
You have to click on the player who was selected first (Nº1 Pick is the highest).\nAlso you can filter by Team or College.
You will not find other NBA game like this!
-Anonymous game issues fixed.
- Draft Mode Scores issues fixed.
- Allowed username changes in profile tab.
- New Avatar Pickup gallery.
- Performance improvements.