GIANT Senior Solitaire Games
Card | 51.6MB
Simple Solitaire
No gimmicks, no distractions.
Pure, simple, FUN, Solitaire just for Seniors!
This laid back, easy-going, slow-paced, family-friendly is made specifically for Seniors, Elderly, and those who may be visually impaired. Our aim is to help keep your brain active in your best years.
GIANT easy to read customizable cards
1-Card / 3-Card format
Guaranteed Winnable or Challenging Mode
Fun winning animations
Win Coins to unlock more styles!
So when someone says, "Hey, where can I get a fun easy going Solitaire for my dad/mom?, you can tell them "GIANT Senior Solitaire Games" is what they're looking for. Free!
Updated version of Solitaire for 2023.