TRAC To Go – Rental Mobil & Bus

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TRAC To Go – Rental Mobil & Bus
Kemudahan rental mobil dan sewa bus dalam genggaman!
Apapun tujuan perjalanan Anda, baik untuk bisnis, wisata, pernikahan hingga berbagai kebutuhan transportasi lainnya, TRAC hadir menawarkan layanan lengkap untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut. Bersama TRAC perjalanan akan lebih fleksibel, nyaman dan aman.
Pesan rental mobil online dengan pilihan layanan Chauffeur (sewa mobil & pengemudi) atau Self Drive (lepas kunci). Layanan Chauffeur memungkinkan Anda lebih menikmati perjalanan, tanpa harus menyetir atau memikirkan alternatif rute perjalanan. Pengemudi andal kami siap mengantar antar ke destinasi yang dituju dengan nyaman.
Atau, Anda dapat memilih layanan Self Drive (lepas kunci) yang mengahdirkan kebebasan
berkendara yang nyaman bersama kawan, kolega, maupun keluarga.
Sampai di bandara tak perlu repot, apalagi menunggu lama untuk mencari kendaraan untuk menuju tempat tujuan Anda. Pesan layanan Airport Transfer secara online dari aplikasi TRAC To Go saat merencanakan perjalanan. Pengemudi kami siap menyambut sebelum pesawat Anda mendarat.
Layanan sewa Bus TRAC dapat menjadi pilihan untuk kebutuhan transportasi group atau rombongan baik untuk perjalanan di dalam ataupun luar kota. TRAC Bus menawarkan beragam variasi tipe bus mulai dari small bus, medium, big hingga luxury. Nikmati kebersamaan perjalanan sebagai momen yang tak terlupakan.
Mengapa TRAC To Go?
+ Akses Mudah & Jaringan Luas
Anda dapat melakukan reservasi online melalui aplikasi TRAC To Go untuk perjalanan di
berbagai kota. Didukung oleh jaringan yang tersebasr di lebih dari 50 kota di Indonesia, kami siap melayani kebutuhan transportasi domestik Anda.
+ Jaminan Proteksi & Layanan Prima
Demi ketenangan dan rasa aman selama perjalanan, kami melindungi Anda dengan proteksi asuransi dan jaminan kondisi armada yang selalu prima. Pengemudi kami pun telah terlatih secara profesional dan memiliki izin resmi sesuai jenis kendaraan yang dikemudikan.
+ Andal dengan Teknologi Teruji
Sistem kami telah terhubung dengan TRAC Fleet Management Solution sehingga kami mampu memastikan keselamatan dan kenyamanan perjalanan Anda secara akurat setiap saat. Teknologi ini juga membantu kami dalam merespon kondisi darurat dengan cepat.
+ Layanan Pelanggan 24/7
Kami siap membantu Anda setiap hari selama 24 jam. Hubungi Customer Assistance Center di nomor 1500009 untuk pusat bantuan, informasi, maupun pemesanan.
Kunjungi juga website TRAC untuk informasi lebih lengkap.
Siap memulai perjalanan? Install aplikasi TRAC To Go sekarang!
TRAC To Go - Car & Bus Rental
Ease of car rental and bus rental in your hand!
Whatever the purpose of your trip, whether for business, travel, weddings and various other transportation needs, TRAC is here to offer complete services to meet those needs. Travel with TRAC will be more flexible, comfortable and safe.
Order an online car rental with a choice of Chauffeur services (car rental & driver) or Self Drive (off key). Chauffeur services allow you to enjoy the trip more, without having to drive or think about alternative travel routes. Our reliable drivers are ready to take you to the destination you are comfortable with.
Or, you can choose the Self Drive service that gives freedom
comfortable driving with friends, colleagues and family.
Arriving at the airport does not need to bother, let alone wait a long time to find a vehicle to get to your destination. Order Airport Transfer services online from the TRAC To Go app when planning a trip. Our drivers are ready to greet you before your plane lands.
TRAC Bus rental service can be an option for group transportation needs or groups both for trips inside and outside the city. TRAC Bus offers a variety of bus types ranging from small buses, medium, big to luxury. Enjoy traveling together as an unforgettable moment.
Why is TRAC To Go?
+ Easy Access & Extensive Network
You can make a reservation online through the TRAC To Go application for travel on
various cities. Supported by a free network in more than 50 cities in Indonesia, we are ready to serve your domestic transportation needs.
+ Guaranteed Excellent Service & Protection
For the sake of calm and security during the trip, we protect you with insurance protection and guarantee the condition of the fleet that is always excellent. Our drivers have also been professionally trained and have official permits according to the type of vehicle driven.
+ Reliable with Proven Technology
Our system is connected to the TRAC Fleet Management Solution so we are able to ensure the safety and comfort of your trip accurately at all times. This technology also helps us in responding to emergency conditions quickly.
+ 24/7 Customer Service
We are ready to help you every day for 24 hours. Contact the Customer Assistance Center at 1500009 for assistance, information and reservations.
Also visit the TRAC website for more detailed information.
Ready to start the trip? Install the TRAC To Go application now!

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What's New TRAC To Go

Fixing bugs and app improvement



Version: 2.14.1

Requires: Android 6.0 or later


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