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أهلاً بكِ في تطبيق انت و الحمل فاين بيبي، انت و الحمل فاين بيبي هو التطبيق الأول والفريد من نوعه في العالم العربي حول مراحل الحمل بكل تفاصيله في مراحله الثلاث، بكافة التطورات اليومية والأسبوعية لرعاية الأم والطفل.
مبروك، أنت حامل! ان كنت حامل للمرة الاولى او قد مررت بهذه التجربة المميزة من قبل سيساعدك تطبيق انت و الحمل فاين بيبي على التعرف على مراحل الحمل بكل تفاصيله الجميلة، وستحصل على اجابات وافية لكل أسئلتكِ حول الحمل وطفلك، من أحدث الدراسات المقدمة من اكبر المستشفيات و الجامعات الطبية العالمية حول رعاية الأم والطفل.
ستتعرف من خلال تطبيق انت و الحمل فاين بيبي :
أعراض وبوادر الحمل مثل الغثيان و الدوخة و التعب وإنحباس الماء في الجسم وكيفية التعامل معها.
النظام الغذائي المناسب للمرأة الحامل.
مشاكل الحمل التي ستمر بها المرأة الحامل بكل مرحلة وكيفية حله.
إحتمالية الإجهاض لدى المرأة الحامل وكيفية تجنبه.
الفحوصات اللازم إجرائها في جميع مراحل الحمل.
أعراض المخاض لدى المرأة الحامل.
علاقتك الجنسية بين الزوج و الزوجة خلال فترة الحمل وما بعدها.
نمو طفلك في جميع المراحل.
يتضمن تطبيق انت و الحمل فاين بيبي :
التطورات اليومية للحمل.
تطورات الحمل الأسبوعية لدى المرأة الحامل.
تطورات الحمل الأسبوعية لطفلك.
حساب يوم الولادة لك.
حساب يوم الاباضة لك.
متابعة حركة طفلك للتأكد من سلامته و مدى نشاطه.
أسئلة متكررة عن الحمل.
نصائح عن الحمل.
موسيقى لكِ و لطفلك.
تطبيق انت و الحمل فاين بيبي مجاني بالكامل هدية من فاين بيبي.
You and Pregnancy Fine Baby is the first application of its kind available in Arabic. It contains all the information required by pregnant women from the day of conception to the moment of childbirth.
You and Pregnancy Fine Baby Application features cutting edge medical information on the daily and weekly progress of the pregnancy process in its three stages, and includes detailed analyses of various associated symptoms and side effects. You and Pregnancy Fine Baby provides the latest scientific insights on the ideal dietary regimes to be followed, the causes of miscarriage and the ways to avoid it, as well as information on sexual relations during the pregnancy period and after. Furthermore, it lists tests that should be conducted at various points.
You and Pregnancy Fine Baby affords pregnant women the convenience of experiencing pregnancy with unrestricted access to information. You and Pregnancy Fine Baby enables you to calculate the expected date of birth, find out best day for ovulation, monitor the movements of your baby so as to ensure his safety and level of activity, as well as marking appointments with the gynecologist and receiving reminders as to their times, dates.
You and Pregnancy Fine Baby also distinguished by the scope and depth of answers it gives to all the questions that could arise in relation to pregnancy. You and Pregnancy Fine Baby offers advice derived from respected scientific studies produced by leading hospitals and medical research institutions. To top it all up, this application includes a range of musical pieces that were carefully selected to suit the needs of the pregnant woman and the growing child in her womb.
You and Pregnancy Fine Baby is fully free as a gift from Fine Baby.
Welcome to you and the application of pregnancy Fine Baby, You and Baby Fine pregnancy is the first application of its kind and unique in the Arab world about the stages of pregnancy in all its details in three stages, with all the developments daily and weekly to care for mother and child.
Congratulations, you're pregnant! That you are pregnant for the first time or have passed this experience distinctive from before will help you apply you and pregnancy Fine Baby to identify the stages of pregnancy in all its details beautiful, and you'll get answers and adequate for each of your questions about pregnancy and baby, from the latest studies presented one of the largest hospitals and universities, the World Medical on mother and child care.
You will learn from you, and through the application of pregnancy Fine Baby:
Symptoms and signs of pregnancy such as nausea and dizziness and fatigue and water retention in the body and how to deal with it.
Appropriate diet for pregnant women.
Problems of pregnancy, which would pass by pregnant women each stage and how to resolve it.
The probability of miscarriage in pregnant women and how to avoid it.
Conduct necessary tests at all stages of pregnancy.
Symptoms of labor in pregnant women.
Your sexual relationship between husband and wife during pregnancy and beyond.
The growth of your child at all stages.
You application includes pregnancy and Fine Baby:
Daily developments of pregnancy.
Developments of pregnancy weekly in pregnant women.
Developments of pregnancy weekly for your child.
Account the day of birth to you.
Calculate the day of ovulation you.
Follow the movement of your child to ensure his safety and the extent of its activity.
Frequently Asked Questions about pregnancy.
Tips for pregnancy.
Music for you and your baby.
You load the application and Fine Baby completely free gift of Fine Baby.
You and Pregnancy Fine Baby is the first application of its kind available in Arabic. It contains all the information required by pregnant women from the day of conception to the moment of childbirth.
You and Pregnancy Fine Baby Application features cutting edge medical information on the daily and weekly progress of the pregnancy process in its three stages, and includes detailed analyses of various associated symptoms and side effects. You and Pregnancy Fine Baby provides the latest scientific insights on the ideal dietary regimes to be followed, the causes of miscarriage and the ways to avoid it, as well as information on sexual relations during the pregnancy period and after. Furthermore, it lists tests that should be conducted at various points.
You and Pregnancy Fine Baby affords pregnant women the convenience of experiencing pregnancy with unrestricted access to information. You and Pregnancy Fine Baby enables you to calculate the expected date of birth, find out best day for ovulation, monitor the movements of your baby so as to ensure his safety and level of activity, as well as marking appointments with the gynecologist and receiving reminders as to their times, dates.
You and Pregnancy Fine Baby also distinguished by the scope and depth of answers it gives to all the questions that could arise in relation to pregnancy. You and Pregnancy Fine Baby offers advice derived from respected scientific studies produced by leading hospitals and medical research institutions. To top it all up, this application includes a range of musical pieces that were carefully selected to suit the needs of the pregnant woman and the growing child in her womb.
You and Pregnancy Fine Baby is fully free as a gift from Fine Baby.

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Version: 3.0

Requires: Android 4.4 or later


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