Nargiz Zakirova Популярные песни

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collection of the best songs. you can find the most popular and new songs from his idol. This music app is easy to use and can be heard anywhere.
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List of songs:
Begi (Run)
Belyye ptitsy (White Bird)
Come Closer
Davay Vyklyuchim Svet (Let's turn off the light)
Igra bez ognya (Game without fire)
Lyubov (Love)
Nas byut, my letaem (they beat us, we fly)
S Lyubimymi Ne Rasstavaytes (C favorite not part)
Solnce (Sun)
Ty moya nezhnost '(You are my tenderness)
Vdvoyom (Together)
Ya budu vsegda s toboy (I'll always be with you)
Ya Ne Mogu (I can not)
Ya Ne Tvoya (I'm not your)
Ya ne veryu tebe (I do not believe you)
Remember Me (Do not forget)
many more ...

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Version: 1.50

Requires: Android 4.0.3 or later


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