Такси 703-703, Тамбов
Travel & Local | 16.8MB
The app for easy ordering a taxi through the Internet in the mountains. Tambov region.
The application allows
* To order a taxi with a single button without talking with the dispatcher
* Automatically and quickly determine the address of the client
* Select the address on the map, enter it manually or choose from a list of previously used addresses
* Maintain a list of trips and typed addresses
* Evaluate each trip;
* Write requests or complaints to the taxi service;
* Manage your bonus balance;
* Share promotional codes, perform;
* Track the car towards you;
* Make Free travel on bonuses.
About 703-703 Taxi Service
Dispatching Service "Taxi 703-703" is one of the largest companies in this industry in the city of Tambov market. 75% of all residents of the city of Tambov at least once used the services of dispatching service "Taxi 703-703."