Learn Spanish in Urdu. Speak Spanish 5000 Phrases
Education | 15.3MB
Speaking Spanish language with English and Urdu Audio Translation with Confidence!
Do you want to learn and speak Español with 5000 essential phrases & words?
Learn Spanish Urdu Offline free app provides 5000 most commonly-used Spanish phrases in English as well as Urdu Audio Translation and also 1000 vocabulary for language learners
as well as advanced learners and speakers, travelers and also beginners along with 35 categories of variety of topics.
Pronunciation will also help you to speak Español fluently and will also be helpful in improving writing, reading, listening and speaking language skills too.
- 1000 plus useful phrases & words with simple and Easy English and Urdu language
- Easy swapping Languages English to Urdu and Urdu to English listening.
- Clear Pronunciation like Native speaker
- Voice listening & playback
- No Internet connection required
- Search by keywords in 5000 Phrases
New Features added:
- Audio Vocabulary lingo for both English speakers and Urdu Language speakers
- Vocabulary Practice
- Matching Pairs Activity
- Writing / Spelling Activity
- Vocabulary with Audio listening exercise
- Vocabulary Practice using English and Urdu Translation help you memorizing the vocabulary words fast.
- 5000 Practice Sentences
- Conversation Practice
- Quiz Activity
- Search in 5000 Phrases
This is the 2nd release of Learning Spanish Language in Urdu App