Sky Weather Alerts

3.85 (365)

Weather | 15.0MB


Sky Weather is a weather alerts and forecast warning weather app using advance accurate weather alert triggers for up to 7 days in advance with daily and hour forecasts. We provide real time forecasts and weather tracking using hyperlocal weather alerts, such as tornados, tsunamis, wind alerts, rain alerts, storm surge, UV index, winter storms, poor air quality (aqi), extreme temperatures, astronomy and stargazing weather, workout weather, outdoor weather, moon alerts, umbrella alerts, weekend weather, and much more!
Stay up to date with accurate local weather alerts for today and tomorrow using our weather widgets, and NOAA radar, to view an upcoming storm alert on the radar.
Track meteorological disasters! Sky Weather is known for its accurate weather forecasts.
Besides being a darksky weather alert app, the real power of this meteorologist weather app, is in providing custom weather alerts, before weather warnings occur.
Become a weatherman weather tracker & set weather alerts for strong winds, rain alert, storm alert, hail alert and pollen forecast.
With this dark sky weather alert app, you can check your local weather forecast, and get local weather alerts that match each the weather conditions.
Use this pocket radar, you can track weather warnings using your own noaa hurricane center.
This weather alert app offers powerful weather alert filters, featuring over 28 custom weather alerts, such as the tides near me, beach weather, pollen forecasts, aqi, picnic, temperature extremes, workout weather, weekend weather, camping weather, rain alerts, hail alerts, storm alerts, severe wind alerts, local tides, uv alerts, storm tracker, cloud level alerts, moon alerts, cyclone and severe weather, and many more awesome weather alerts..
This saves the user time, and increases productivity, by keeping up to date with your local weather line.
- My Events allow you to create custom tracked weather alerts where you need to track your personal weather alerts, such as fishing weather, and buoy weather. With Sky Weatherman, you get a live weather forecast for today, tomorrow and the next week forecast.
Say hello to the weather, with Sky Notifications, where weather alerts can be set for each weather events that's being tracked by you, such as the tides near me, to weather alert you at a certain time each day, or before a weather alert occurs.
This means that you can get weather alerts before it rains, or a few hours before a beautiful sunrise or sunset occurs, or get a severe weather alert, or at 8pm on Thursday evening on what the weekend weather is going to be like.
If you are an astronomer enthusiast, you can use the darksky weather app to find a clear night to track the moon, stars and find the perfect shooting stars.
-Sky Weatherman features weather alert wigets, allowing you to stay up to date with your hyperlocal weather, and keep track of your own weather line, and share it with friends. These wigets can be placed anywhere on your screen, to help you plan yourself better.
-Get weather alerts with the upcoming weather each evening on the
current and tomorrow's weather, to help you plan your outfit and travelling plans.
-You can customize this dark sky weather alert app, and get access to the weather tracker and local storm radar, to track the next tornado and predict the next weather storm. The live NOAA radar comes to you free, when you go pro.
-Get weekend rain alerts and a rain alarm.
-Easily convert between Celsius and Fahrenheit with just 1 click.
-You can update this dark sky weather app to get the latest live weather forecasts / automatic weather updates every 4 hours
-Quick links to rain alerts / fish weather / / pollen forecasts for your local weather.
-Check out your surrounding area weather alerts with the noaa radar.
Download this indoor temperature app now, and get the coolest new online app, so you can become the next weather pro.

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Version: 3.10002

Requires: Android 6.0 or later


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