SG Bus: Bus Arrival Time EZ-Link Card Reader App
Travel & Local | 11.4MB
Singapore #1 bus arrival time app.
- Show nearby bus stops
- Show bus arrival time, bus type, bus operator, bus load and bus features for selected bus stop
- Arrival time: There are 2 estimated bus arrival time shown on the screen.
- Bus type: There are 3 bus types operated by Singapore bus operator. They are single deck bus, double deck bus and Bendy.
- Bus operator: SBST (for SBS Transit), SMRT (for SMRT Corporation), TTS (for Tower Transit Singapore) and GAS (for Go Ahead Singapore).
- Bus load: Seats available (marked as Green color bus), Standing available (marked as Amber color bus) and Limited standing available (marked as Red color bus).
- Bus features: Wheel-chair accessible (marked as Wheel-chair icon).
- MRT sign to indicate this bus will stop at MRT station.
- Bookmarks your frequently visited bus stops
- Show bus NOT in services/operation for selected bus stop
- Show bus routes for selected bus
- Search for buses, roads, bus stop code or bus stop name
- Check EZ-Link card balance and public transport (bus and mrt) transaction history. This feature only available on NFC enabled device.
- Update bus stop database as of 26/01/2021.
- Add EZ-Link card reader feature. You could now check your EZ-Link card balance, public transport (bus and mrt) transaction history on the go. Go to 'More' > 'Extras' > 'My EZ-Link Card' and give it a try. Take note that this feature is only available on NFC enabled device.
- Enable Dark mode theme for all users.
Cheers ^.^ SC