Chemistry Notes for IIT JEE and NEET
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1.Some Basic Concepts
2.Structure of atom
3.Chemical Bonding
4.Solution & Colligative properties
5.Solid State
6.Gaseous state
7.Nuclear Chemistry
8.Chemical Equilibrium
9.Ionic Equilibrium
10.Thermodynamics and Thermochemistry
11.Chemical Kinetics
13.Redox Reactions
14.Surface Chemistry
15.Chemical Periodicity
16.General Principles of Extraction of Metals
17.Hydrogen and Its compounds
18.s and p-Block Elements
19.d and f-Block Elements
20.Co-ordination Chemistry
21.Chemical Analysis
22.Purification, Classification and Nomenclature of Organic
23.General Organic Chemistry
25.Halogen Containing Compounds
26.Alcohol, Phenol and Ether
27.Aldehydes and Ketones
28.Carboxylic acids and Their derivatives
29.Nitrogen Containing Compounds
32.Chemistry in Action
Notes for IIT JEE and NEET