Blu Music Player
Music & Audio | 10.5MB
Probably the best looking & functional music player for Android.
Thousands of free loyalty free songs
We check every submission carefully and don't offer any copyrighted music. However, if you think there is mistaken music, please reach us for DMCA request. We keep adding free, non-copyrighted and loyalty free music made my amateur musicians every moment. You can send us your work to developer email and we will add them.
Material Design
The user interface matches every single detail of the material design guidelines to ensure Blu Music Player is an eye candy for you.
Easy to Use
No complicated or overblown menus but a familiar and clean interface.
Android Auto Support
Listen to your favorite songs within your car with Android Auto support!
⚡ Integration
Blu Music Player automatically downloads additional information about your artists such as their images or biographies.
Customization & Dynamic Colors.
There is an inbuilt theme engine with many different colors to choose from. Plus, the UI colors change dynamically to match the main contents base color.
And OF COURSE, Blu Music Player has all standard features such as:
★ Create and edit playlists
★ Home screen widget
★ Lock screen playback controls
★ "Go-To Actions" such as jump from a song or an album right to its artist
★ ...
This application "Blu Music Player." is a product of Blu Hub Ltd. We do not offer any copyrighted music downloads. ONLY FOR NON-COMMERCIAL USE.
If you believe that a page hosted by "Blu Music Player" is violating your rights under U.S. copyright law, you may file a complaint thereof with Blu Music Player's designated agent in the manner described below.
Dear Google Administrators and creators;
"Blu Music Player" is a registered trademark of Blu Hub Ltd. Previously fake DMCA removal requests were sent. I'm acquitted. If you receive such complaints again, please contact me before making any decision. All my contact information is written in my account. With all due respect.