2500 Solved Problems Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulics
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This powerful problem-solver gives you 2,500 problems in fluid mechanics and hydraulics, fully solved step-by-step! the originator of the solved-problem guide, and students favorite with over 30 million study guides sold this timesaver helps you master every type of fluid mechanics and hydraulics problem that you will face in your homework and on your tests, from properties of fluids to drag and lift. Work the problems yourself, then check the answers, or go directly to the answers you need using the complete index. Compatible with any classroom text, 2500 Solved Problems in Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics is so complete
the perfect tool for graduate or professional exam review!
This all-in-one-package includes more than 2500 fully solved problems, examples, and practice exercises to sharpen your problem-solving skills. Plus, you will have access to 20 detailed featuring instructors who explain the most commonly tested problems--it's just like having your own virtual tutor! You'll find everything you need to build confidence, skills, and knowledge for the highest score possible.
More than 40 million students have trusted Schaum’s to help them succeed in the classroom and on exams. This app is the key to faster learning and higher grades in every subject. Each Outline presents all the essential course information in an easy-to-follow, topic-by-topic format. You also get hundreds of examples, solved problems, and practice exercises to test your skills.
2500 fully solved problems
Extra practice on topics such as buoyancy and flotation, complex pipeline systems, fluid machinery, flow in open channels, and more.
Support for all the major textbooks for fluid mechanics and hydraulics courses
Solved Problems in Fluid Mechanics: Includes Hydraulic Machines
Solved Practical Problems in Fluid Mechanics thoroughly explains the concepts and principles of fluid flow by highlighting various problems frequently encountered by engineers with accompanying solutions. This text can therefore help you gain a complete understanding of fluid mechanics and draw on your own practical experiences to tackle equally tricky problems
Table of Contents
On the Art of Advancing the Science of Hydraulics (Inaugural Address)
Hydraulic and Dirt Lock in Piston Type Control Valves
On Attenuation of Gas Pulsations from Reciprocating Compressors
Steady Flow in Sinusoidally Varying Channels
Pressure Drop in the Pneumatic Conveyance of Granular Solids through a Pipe
The Motion of a Two-dimensional Buoyant Vortex
The Hydrodynamics of a Plane Gas Jet Impinging on a Moving Liquid
A Simplified Approach to the Hydrodynamics of Butterfly Valves
Some Hydraulic Aspects of Unconventional Rockfill Dams
Hydraulic Mechanism of Run-Off
The Flow of Air through Wire Screens
Flow-Induced Vibrations of Cylindrical Structures
Counter-Current Two-Phase Flow in Packed Liquid—Liquid Extraction Towers
A Few Studies on Cavitation in Centrifugal Type Pumps
Spatially Varied Flow at the Toe of a Rock-Fill Slope
The Influence of Entropy in One-dimensional Nozzle Flows
An Analogue Computer for the Solution of Drainage Problems
Pressure Surges in Fire Services of Tall Buildings
On the Problem of Sediment Transport
On the Horizontal Diffusion over the Sea Surface
Sink Vortices and Whirlwinds
The Mathematical Modeling of the Fuel System of a Guided Weapon
The Generation of Surface Waves by Shear Flows
Diffraction in Fluid Mechanics
Recent Research Studies in Spray Irrigation
Fluid Flow in Smooth Pipes - Critical Region
Oil Hydraulics Applications to Problems of Dynamics
A New Length Parameter for Channel Flow
Instrumentation for Air Entrainment Research
Measurement of Angular and Pulsating Flow
The University of Queensland Hydraulics Laboratory
Modelling of Gate Vibration Problems
A Simple Hanging Gate Integrating Flow Meter
Effect of Silt in Suspension on Non-uniform Flow
The Use of Levees for Flood Control
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