I give five stars if you fix the screen because it's so small
Eliezer Annoque
2020-10-06 04:08
I had to sign in with email or phone number but why it always says its not valid, I checked them well and its still not vaid, why? Both my phone number and gmail account not valid? Its just waist of data and time to download this waist
Rolando Gelloano
2020-09-26 02:48
Cant be cast on TV
Angelene Meñosa
2020-09-23 04:44
It has tagalog dub of some digimon seasons, which I've looking for a while now, and obviously a lot more. But unfortunately not all of them is complete. Has ads but it's not too annoying.
The Gamer
2020-09-15 07:10
I like this app but the intro is not hope you fix but i love the app:) please boruto full episode please Please full season boruto please and boruto movie
Ela Jean Rondero
2020-09-13 05:51
The app was extremely awesome ... But .i give 4 stars because when i was scrolling for the series it suddenly stop. Why so???