Tafseer e Quran in Urdu
Education | 9.4MB
Quran Tafseer in Urdu is the best Quran with Urdu Translation and Tafsir Application. Using this application, you can read Quran ayah by ayah with authentic tafseer.
Install Quran Tafseer Urdu and do not miss reading the Quran with Tafsir in the holy month of Ramadan 2018. Ramadan 2018 Mubarak.
Tafsir al Quran e Kareem in Urdu
(قران پاک کی مکمل تفسیر )
Ayah to Ayah Tafseer of All Quranic Surahs.
If you want to study Quran with full translation and tafsir then download this application. This Tafsir e Quran Pak application features full tafsir of ayahs of all Quranic surahs. You will find Surah by Surah and Ayah by Ayah tafseer of entire Quran.
So, if you are looking to read Tafsir e Quran other than Tafseer Ibn Kathir then you should also read this. Share online with your friends on facebook and whatsapp.
Jaza k Allah.
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