Cash Trainer
Education | 15.8MB
Cash Trainer Pro:
requires no special rights and is ad-free.
Cash Trainer:
is free and includes an advertising bar.
This application is an educational game to practice the payment situation on the cash point. You can select in the settings either if you want to take the role of the cashier or the role of the shopping person.
Target group:
All people who like to learn on a playful level dealing with coins and bills and want to improve their performance in mental arithmetic. Cash Trainer thus enables "risk-free" samples of a real situation on the cash point.
Since the amount of the price can vary between 10, 100 and 1000 and the rounding precision can be adjusted, all levels are covered.
Currently these currencies are available:
EUR Euro
USD US Dollar
CAD Canadian Dollar
RUB Russian Ruble
GBP British Pound
AUD Australian Dollar
MXN Mexican Peso
The tasks of the two modes are different:
1. You operate as cashier
You will see the coins and banknotes of your cash register. Further a random amount under TOTAL is displayed. At the same time at the top of the display banknotes appear that you have just received from your customers. This amount is also displayed in the field marked as RECEIVED. Your task is to move the correct change money to the orange box, and finally press the "Confirm" button. Cash Trainer now checks the change and tells you whether you have calculated correctly. Then the next amount to be paid appears and the procedure is repeated.
2. You are the shopper
You will see the coins and banknotes of your wallet. A random amount under TOTAL is displayed again. To pay you have to move your coins and banknotes to the orange box, this will be confirmed with an audible click. The information "missing", "sufficient" or "exact", depending on how much money is already in the orange pay box appears to the left of the price. Then press the "Pay" button. Cash Trainer is in the role of the cashier and returns you the change money, but watch out – it is probably not correct! Your task is to check the change money and confirm or disconfirm it by simple yes/no-decision. Your decision will then be checked by the Cash Trainer which lets you know whether you have guessed correctly. Then the next amount to be paid appears and the procedure will repeat itself.
I dedicate this educational game to Flora and wish her, that she will be able to buy a lot of nice things.