dermanostic - online dermatologist
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The app guides you intuitively through the online dermatology practice. You upload three photos of your skin changes and answer a short questionnaire. Specialists with a German license to practice will send you a doctor's letter with your diagnosis and therapy recommendation within 24 h - in addition, you will receive a private prescription. The treatment costs 25€ and can be paid via PayPal, direct debit or credit card. Billing is done according to the German Gebührenordnung für Ärzte (GOÄ), therefore costs are reimbursable for privately insured persons.
1. detect skin lesion:
Whether it's an itchy redness, a scaly spot or a mole- you can have all skin changes checked out by our dermatologists.
2. upload pictures & answer questions: use our app to take three photos of your skin change and then answer a short anamnesis questionnaire.
3. your diagnosis in 24 hours: A dermatology specialist reviews your case and you receive a digital, patient-friendly doctor's letter with your diagnosis and prescription, if needed.
dermanostic was founded by 4 physicians to provide patients with an easy and fast way to contact dermatologists. Our diagnosing dermatologists have completed their specialist training in Germany and have many years of professional experience in hospitals or in private practice. You can find out more about our treating dermatologists at
General information can be found at:
You are also welcome to contact us at