Travel & Local | 3.0MB
The Parkingpay app is the easiest way to use all types of paid parking spaces and pay for them automatically.
Already over 750 locations in Switzerland (cities, shopping centres and multi-storey car parks).
No ticket necessary. Your smartphone is your parking meter. In the multi-storey car park you can comfortably drive in and out with your badge.
Easy billing via your Parkingpay account. Also for companies as a collective account.
Means of payment
TWINT, credit cards, Postfinance Card and e-finance, direct debit LSV /DirectDebit, bank/post office transfer, inpayment slip, invoice (companies only).
LPR or Parkingpay Badge
Enables convenient entry and exit of parking spaces with barriers.
Further possibilities
Also ideal for managing closed user groups (employees, members, etc.).
Is there a problem? We will be happy to help you:
Preparations for the new parking ticket payment function.