Top Sound Effect Ringtones
Music & Audio | 9.5MB
Most downloaded funny sound effect ringtones from popular ringtone sites grouped together in one application. Click to listen, sounds can be saved as notifications, ringtone or alarm. Updated often with new top sound effects. Includes perfect sounds for ringtones, message alert or email notifications. Some are funny, some cool, but all worth the price... free!Key Features:- 78 popular sound effects- high quality sounds, animated buttons- Updated often- App 2 SD- Tablet friendly- Easily set default ringtone, notification or alarmKeywords: Top sound effects Ringtones, most popular sound effect ringtones, android ringtones, most downloaded ringtones, SMS sounds, funny notification sounds, ring, tone, sound, alert, alarmRecent changes:1.3 Major overhaul, added apps to SD1.4 Added 30 popular sound effect ringtones1.6 Updated UI1.7 Added tablet supportcontent rating: Everyone