Sunrise Sunset

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Weather | 87.7KB


Don't get caught out in the dark!
Sunrise Sunset is the tool to help you figure out how much daylight you have left.
We use your GPS location and the day of the year to calculate what time the sun will set, and how much light you have left.
Perfect for hikers, boaters, and all outdoorsmen!
Sunrise Sunset also calculates Civil, Nautical and Astronomical Twilight.
Activate "Nerd Mode" to get as much information on the solar day as you could possibly want.
At Cactus Man Software, we welcome user feed back, so please drop us a line if you have any questions or comments!
Thank you!

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What's New Sunrise Sunset

Fix to recognize daylight savings time.



Version: 2.2

Requires: Android 2.2 or later


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