Good service I have changed my mobile LCD good work they service all type electronics home appliances goods
shobhanath rai
2020-10-08 11:10
Very good service qullity cctv cameras
Pavi Nayak
2020-10-03 01:39
Very good service they have sales and all home applinces repair and service
Nagaraja NH
2020-09-18 06:43
Very good mobile service they service all types electtoincs goods cctv microwave wadhing machine fredge ups solar lcd Aircondtioner any many more products Becuse of coronavirus they not sell produtects till 3 month decmber services very best
Jackwinn Prasad
2020-02-17 05:57
Good some problem there some is not working but i have called there number and i have but 11d tempered glass 250rs shipping free and have me 1 glass free