Sharee Coin: Discounts & Savings
Lifestyle | 50.9MB
Sharee Coin is a multi-sided collation loyalty platform. Powered by Blockchain, Sharee Coin offers customers money back in the form of coins for their spending within the Sharee Coin network of merchants.
Sharee Coin fits an important gap for online and retail merchants to have a loyalty program with reasonable cost & high efficiency. It is a completely new experience of real-time earning & redemption.
When it comes to loyalty programs, customers value flexibility and so do we. With Sharee Coin, customers will no longer have to wait to be awarded points, but will be able to receive and redeem their rewards in real-time with fixed value points that we call “Coins”.
Our customer data stored in the ledger is secured, structured and abundant. Driven by big data analysis using artificial intelligence (AI). Our customers will get only personalized messages with the right offer, right reward, and in the real-time.
Low redemption rate is a big problem for any loyalty program, having one of these programs is a serious threat to your business. Imagine you install, integrate, operate & pay for a loyalty program where customers are not redeeming and are not actively engaged, the natural result here is inevitable: un-satisfied customers.
On the other side of the river, if you have the right loyalty program where customers are earning/redeeming more points, these customers will be more engaged, spending more money, and will be naturally satisfied with your business.
Sharee Coin’s AI has a unique algorithm to drive new customers toward your business, resulting in more sales, while maintaining your regular customers with highly targeted offers at the same time. With this lack of friction, your business will grow, sales will increase and you will have more retained & satisfied customers along with acquiring new customers.
Sharee Coin provides a solution while allowing a direct involvement in the transaction, paving the way for limitless cross redemption, with no cards or mobile app needed and in the real-time. There is a mobile app for Sharee Coin however, customers won’t need it to earn or redeem coins, all you need is recalling your phone number.
Fixing Bugs and new features were added